Roll it Up

Your modern day piggy bank
Every purchase made with your debit card will be rounded up to the nearest dollar and transferred automatically from your checking account to your statement savings account or money market account.
Roll it up Benefits:
- Easy way to watch your savings grow while using the convenience of your debit card for every day purchases.
- Build your child’s savings account! Kick-Start Savings Accounts & School Savings Accounts are eligible for automatic deposits from your checking account using your debit card for purchases.
- All debit cards linked to the account are enrolled for more savings opportunities.
- No monthly maintenance fee for the service.
Here’s How Roll it Up Works:
- The purchase price of the item bought with a Savers Bank debit card is rounded up to the nearest dollar amount.
- The difference between the purchase price and rounded up dollar amount is transferred from the individual’s Savers Bank checking account to a Savers Bank statement savings account or money market account.
- The transfer will take place during nightly processing each business day and be identified as a Debit Card Roll It Up Deposit on your monthly statement.
How to Enroll:
- Visit any of our branches to enroll today.
- If you are an Online Banking customer, you can sign in to your Online Banking and from there click on your profile name or the person icon at the top right corner > Banking Services > Secure Forms > Roll It Up Request. Then complete the online form.
- If you prefer, you can print and fill out the request form and then bring it in to any Savers Bank branch. Print Roll it Up Request Form [PDF]